C. Farrell Johnson Fine Arts, LLC

Inspire Others!

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone—Colossians 4:6

Sometimes, Ms. Bea’s conversation included a bit of pepper, consistent with her Trinidadian roots.  But that was only because she cared and wanted us to be our best selves.  For years, she prepared meals for individuals with HIV/AIDS.  Ms. Bea was quick to lend a hand wherever and whenever needed. Ms. Bea soothed the saddened and supported the work of organizations that fought for social justice. She encouraged youngsters to reach for the stars, very often resulting in a transformation of their life’s course. One young boy she mentored in Gambia became a successful chef who opened a restaurant in the UK.

However, she did not suffer fools gladly, nor did she have patience for those who were lazy or self-absorbed.  Although she is no longer physically here, her spirit lives on and continues to inspire those whose lives she touched.  We would do well to take a page from Ms. Bea’s book and do what we can to encourage excellence wherever and whenever the opportunity arises.  Our conversations should uplift and energize because this world needs more positive people!

The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do—Kobe Bryant

Continue to walk powerfully in your purpose—Germany Kent

If you wish to purchase Queen Bea, drop me a line.

Now Showing: SUSTENANCE - A WCADC Group Exhibition at miXt Food Hall, in Brentwood, MD, 3/13 - 5/12/2024. Also Showing: Celebrating the Colors of Life- A Solo Exhibition at Seekers Church Gallery, in Takoma, DC, 4/28 - 6/30.

Celebrate Spring!

Drop a line to friends and make plans for springtime meet ups. Order cards from the website or contact me with your request.

Stop by my studio to make your own variety pack. While there, have a look at the latest prints, cards, or original works! You can also see works in progress. Studio visits are available by appointment. My studio is located on the second floor of the Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, next to the Denbo Library. Masks are recommended but not required.

Drop me a line if you wish to order this card, Oreo & Cameo, or other items.

BTW, Pyramid Atlantic has a wonderful gift shop. If you are looking for unique, hand-made gifts, check out the shop either online or in person.

CFJ Fine Arts Books

The Black King is available in hard cover and paperback editions. The Black King is a timeless tale of faith and charity in the face of intolerance and suffering.  In his dedication, Mr. Pons writes, "With good will and forgiveness, every day will be Christmas."


Let Color Your World coloring book help you relax and be transported to a rich world of your own.

Visit our Books Page!